Got your UACE results? This is what you should do.
It is now two weeks since UNEB released results for UACE 2023. According to UNEB, 18,624 students, representing 25.9 percent got two principle passes, while 18,624 or 17% got one principal pass. Furthermore, a total of 9,225 students representing 8.4 percent got subsidiary pass.
Unlike PLE and UCE results, UACE results usually do not receive much fanfare and commentary. This is partly because in Uganda today, only a tiny percentage of people reach A-level, and therefore only a small percentage of Ugandans can properly understand and interpret A-level results.
Despite that, those who have just received their UACE results have a lot going on in their minds. This includes those who have got principal passes, and subsidiary passes, or none at all. So, after getting your UACE results, so what? To answer that, this is what you should do.
STEP 1: Get your UACE Results (March)
Firstly, go get your results from school. Discuss with parents or guardians on way forward. Also, discuss with your teachers’ possibilities. Plan for post-secondary education together with your family. Most importantly, stay healthy & remain hopeful, and keep away from trouble.
STEP 2: Apply to Universities/Institutions (March-May)
After obtaining your results from school, this is what you need to do next. Choose programme of study (Science or Arts/Humanities), according to the passes you have obtained. Thereafter, choose university or institution with chosen programme. While doing this, you have to choose between public or private universities. Not note that at least apply to at least two universities. Applying to only one university or institution is tricky, due to competition. You may have got good passes and points, but somehow fall below university cut off points, and you are not admitted. To avoid this, please apply to at least 2 or 3 universities / institutions.
If you have 2 or 3 principal passes, who can apply for degree programme (3-5 years depending on the course), and if you managed only 1 principal pass, and two subsidiary passes, you can apply for diploma programme (2 years). However, those who obtained only subsidiary passes in principal passes, who go to Higher Education Certificate (HEC), which is now the fourth pathway to the degree programme. And lastly, those with unconvincing passes (e.g. 2 points, 1 point) can opt to try again, and re-sit for UACE. Alternatively, they apply for two-year certificate programme using UCE results. What’s important here is academic progression, moving from one level to another. Also, when applying, start with study programme you want, then look for universities, and institutions that have that study programme. Starting with university/institution will restrict you to only programmes in that particular university or institution. For example, you want BSc. Civil Engineering. You now look for universities/institutions that have BSc. Civil Engineering.
Today, most public & private university now have online application portals. To apply, simply Google search the name of the university, visit their website, and look for “Apply Now” link. If you are unable to do apply on your own, or encounter challenges, you can contact TESI.
STEP 3: Get your Admission Letter (July)
If you are lucky and you got admitted, go and pick admission letter or download it from the application portal. Then, discuss with parents about tuition/cost of living etc. Continue to prepare for university/institution. Open bank account, buy a smartphone and a laptop. These digital devices today are very vital for university education. Most importantly, stay away from trouble. Even at this stage, please, prepare, prepare and continue preparing.
STEP 4: Go to University (August)
The academic year in public & some private universities starts in August. If you have been admitted, report to university/institution. Please attend lectures and study hard. You are now a campuser, as Ugandans call it. Again, keep healthy & stay away from trouble. While at university, build your skills & intellectual abilities. Get new friends, join clubs and societies. Work hard each semester, finish and finally graduate. This will make your parents proud.